下面的词汇是为了支持正在进行的学习,但并非包罗万象. 它是流动的,并将随着时间的推移而继续发展, and these vocabulary words and definitions are meant to aid in the broadening of our understanding of diversity, 股本, 包容与归属.
多样性 & 收录词汇/语言指南
多样性 refers to the range of 人类 differences that includes the primary or internal dimension such as 年龄, 性别, 比赛, 种族, physical and mental ability and 性取向; and the secondary or external dimension such as thought styles, 宗教, 国籍, 社会经济地位, 信仰体系, 军事经历和教育
从历史上看, 股本 指为…创造等价结果的过程 历史上未被充分代表和受压迫的个人和群体的成员. 股本 是为了结束基于身份或背景对人们的系统性歧视
来源: 《电子游戏正规平台》作者:Damon A. 威廉姆斯
包容 涉及到主动, 有意的, 以及我们的多样性的持续参与, 每个人的价值在哪里, 尊重和支持他或她的独特技能, 经验和观点, to create a working and learning environment where everyone has an opportunity to experience personal fulfillment and p艺术icipate fully in creating a successful and thriving 电子游戏软件. 它是一种从我们社区所有成员的差异中创造价值的手段, 为了充分利用人才,培养个人和组织的卓越
归属感 安全感和支持的感觉是否有被接纳的感觉, 包容, 以及某个群体成员的身份. 这是一个人可以把真实的自己带到工作中的时候
来源: 康奈尔大学——归属感
AHANA 一个缩写词是用来描述个人的吗 African, Hispanic, A西安和 N性 A美国血统
来源: 电子游戏软件Thea Bowman AHANA和跨文化中心- AHANA定义
BIPoC 是黑人、原住民和有色人种的首字母缩略词. 它基于对系统性种族主义集体经历的承认. 与任何其他标识术语一样,使用该术语作为标识符取决于个人
反种族主义 是积极识别和反对种族主义的做法吗. 反种族主义的目标是积极改变政策, 行为, 以及延续种族主义思想和行为的信仰
盟友 is someone who 支持s a group other than one’s own (in terms of multiple identities such as 比赛, 性别, 年龄, 种族, 性取向, 宗教, 等.). 一个盟友承认压迫,并积极承诺减少自己的共谋, 投资加强自己对压迫的认识和意识
偏见 is a form of prejudice that results from our need to quickly classify individuals into categories
文化 是共同的行为和互动模式吗, 通过社会化习得的认知结构和情感理解. These shared patterns identify the members of a culture group while also distinguishing those of another group. 同一文化中的人们通常会解释符号的含义, 工件, 行为方式相同或相似
文化拨款 is the non-consensual/misappropriate use of cultural elements for commodification of profit purposes - including symbols, 艺术, 语言, 海关, 等. ——通常不理解, 承认或尊重其在原有文化背景下的价值
使非殖民化 is the active and 有意的 process of deconstructing colonial ideologies of Western thought and approaches that have been historically viewed as superior 和特权d. It involves dismantling structures that perpetuate the status quo and addressing unbalanced 权力 dynamics. It is the ongoing process of examining one’s own beliefs and requires all of us to be collectively involved and responsible
来源: 校园开放出版-去殖民化和本土化
歧视 is the unfair or prejudecial treatment of people and groups based on characteristics such as 比赛, 性别, 年龄, 性oprientation, 社会经济地位, 教育, 等.
种族 is a social construct that divides people into smaller social groups based on characteristics such as shared sense of group memberships, 值, 行为模式, 语言, 政治和经济利益, 历史, 祖先的地理基础
来源: 种族平等工具-种族平等工具术语表
身份 一个人的自我意识是由(a)一套生理特征定义的吗, 心理, and interpersonal characteristics that is not wholly shared with any other person and (b) a rance of affiliations (e.g. 种族)和社会角色. 身份 involves a sense of continuity or the feeling that one is the same person today that one was yesterday or last year (despite physical or other changes). Such a sense is derived from one’s body sensations; one’s body im年龄; and the feeling that one’s memories, 目标, 值, 预期, 而信念属于自我. 也叫人格同一性
来源: 美国心理学会词典
包容性卓越—— The 机构多样性办公室 支持s the mission of 电子游戏软件 by promoting a culture of 包容 that 值 each individual. 我们相信多元化是卓越的动力, 最好的想法是由来自不同背景的人发现的, 谁生活在不同的现实中, 他们克服了不同的挑战,共同努力拓展他们的真实视角
制度种族主义 refers specifically to the ways in which institutional policies and practices create different outcomes and opportunities for different groups based on racial discrimination
跨文化能力 is the capability to shift cultural perspective and appropriately adapt behavior to cultural differences and commonalities
来源: 跨文化发展清单(IDI)
交集 是种族等社会类别的同步体验吗, 性别, 社会经济地位, and 性取向 and the ways in which these categories interact to create systems of oppression, 支配与歧视
来源: 交叉性与学校心理学:对实践的启示
Macro-Aggression 这是一种针对所有种族、性别或群体的种族主义行为吗
Microaggressions 是日常用语, 非语言的, 对环境的漠视, 的怠慢, 或侮辱, 无论是有意还是无意, 传达敌意, 贬义的, 或者仅仅因为被边缘化的群体成员而向目标人群传递负面信息. 在很多情况下, these hidden mess年龄s may invalidate the group identity or experiential reality of target persons, 在个人或团体层面贬低他们, 他们是更低级的人, 暗示他们不属于多数群体, 威胁和恐吓, 或者降低他们的地位和待遇
来源: Derald Wing Sue -“微侵略:不仅仅是种族”
Micro-Affirmation 一个小小的举动是包容、关怀和善良吗. 包括倾听, 提供安慰和支持, 成为盟友, 明确评估所有人的贡献和存在. It is p艺术icularly helpful for those with greater 权力 of seniority to “model” affirming behavior
来源: 哈佛多元化,公平,准入,包容 & 归属——基本概念 & 肯定的语言
国籍 是指拥有相同历史的一群人中的一员的事实或地位吗, 传统, 和语言, 或某一特定国家的公民
来源: 《电子游戏正规平台》
压迫 系统是否允许访问服务, 奖励, 社会特权:以某一特定群体的成员身份为基础的社会利益和特权. 它涉及统治集团滥用权力,从事不公正的行为, 严厉的, or cruel activities that perpetuate an attitude or belief that is reinforced by society and maintained by a 权力 imbalance. 它包括强加不良标签的信仰和行为, 经历, 以及基于个人文化认同的条件
来源: 心理学-压迫
父权制 是一种被文化和制度信仰和模式所接受的社会组织形式吗, 支持, 并让年长或更有权势的男性对女性和年轻男性的统治重现
来源: 社会学-父权制
权力 能否定义为对材料的控制程度, 人类, 知识, 以及社会各阶层运用的财政资源. 对这些资源的控制成为个人和社会权力的来源. 权力是动态的、相互关联的, 它不是绝对的,而是在社会中行使的, 经济, 以及个人和群体之间的政治关系. 它的分布也是不平等的——一些个人和团体拥有更大的控制权. The extent of 权力 of an individual or group is correlated to how many different kinds of resources they can access and control
关系结构 refers to the way in which the individual identity and affiliations we have are positioned by others. 因此,位置性是一个与性别、种族等相关的文化概念. There are different kinds of positionality: ascribed positionality (as is generally the case with 性别); selective positionality (as in the case of those who opt for a p艺术icular position) and enforced positionality (where others forcibly define the position whether it means with subjective criteria or not)
偏见 是先入为主的判断吗, opinion or attitude directed toward certain people based on their membership in a p艺术icular group. 它是一组支持、导致或证明歧视的态度
来源: 儿童行为与发展百科全书
特权 指一定的社会优势, 好处, or degrees of prestige and respect that an individual has by virtue of belonging to certain social identity groups
比赛 a social construct that 艺术ificially divides people into distinct groups base on characteristics such a physical appearance (p艺术icularly 比赛), 祖先的遗产, 文化归属, 文化历史, 种族分类, 还有社会, 一个社会在一定时期内的经济和政治需要
社会正义 is a communal effort dedicated to creating and sustaining a fair and equal society in which each person and all groups are valued and affirmed. It encompasses efforts to end systemic violence and end racism and all systems that devalue the dignity and 人类ity of any person. 它承认,过去不公正的遗产仍然在我们周围, so therefore promotes efforts to em权力 individual and communal ation in 支持 of restor性 justice and the full implementation of 人类 and civil rights
来源: 中央康涅狄格州立大学-约翰·刘易斯社会正义电子游戏正规平台所
刻板印象 泛化的形式是否根植于笼统的信念和错误的假设, 分类过程的产物,会导致偏见的态度, 批判性判断和有意或无意的歧视. 刻板印象通常是消极的, 基于很少的信息,不承认个人主义和个人能动性
象征主义 the practice of doing something (such a hiring a person who belongs to a minority group) only to prevent criticism and give the appearance that people are being treated fairly
来源: 《电子游戏软件》-象征主义
白人至上 是基于历史的, 剥削和压迫大陆的制度体系, 国家, 有色人种被白人和欧洲大陆的国家所取代, 以维持和捍卫财富制度为目的, 权力, 和特权
来源: 什么是白人至上主义?